Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Long overdue

I just returned from a long weekend visiting my best friends from college. I still feel a little brain-dead. I am not entirely sure if it's because I got home very late Monday night or if I am still hungover, perhaps a combination of the two. I do know that it was a long overdue get together. Seven years overdue to be exact. Lots has occurred in those seven years -- babies, marriages, promotions, new homes, new lives.

These women (whom I met when we were eighteen years old . . . eighteen years old. Holy hell! Do you remember being eighteen? This weekend certainly brought back the memories). As I was saying, these women have always been spectacular people -- ambitious, witty, strikingly beautiful, intelligent -- have become more confident, even more capable and more beautiful. I am so proud of my friends and had so much fun reverting back to our ridiculously silly ways for the weekend. I miss them so. Tear. Sniffle.

Sorry for being absent. I would have told you where I was going, but my overly-fanatical mom has me paranoid about what I post -- ie: I am leaving town for the weekend come break into my apartment and take all of my things! Awesome, can't wait to come home to the shambles! However, I must have had a power outage while I was gone because my fridge was RANK when I returned home. The freezer had a layer of ice as if everything must have thawed and refrozen. Let's just say things are a bit funky.

I missed you invisible readers. I promise to cook something not out of my fridge tomorrow.

Here are a few censored photos from the weekend. As I said, we reverted to eighteen year old lunatics; honestly, mostly I did. Hey, my life oozes monotony. I had a goooood time.

The girls.

The Hodgi.

Lovely Melissa.
"I'm type D-."

See, babies have been born.
And these babies are now THREE!

Thanks to Amy's awesome husband, Brent,
we had the most amazing fondue feast.

Last time I saw this goddess she was fourteen.

Thirteen bottles of wine -- consumed.

Can we say bedazzled?

Yes, please.

I brought a box of photos from college.
Endless entertainment.

No shortage of smiles.

Uploading to facebook.

Lord help me.

That finger will kick your ass.





I wanted to post a photo of Erin and her knife skills,
but as I said, these photos are G-rated.

They haven't changed a bit.

What did I say about the smiling?

Horse teeth. Hee haw.

I am grateful for these women (and Brent).

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