Sunday, June 27, 2010

Cute contest: baby plants vs. baby animals.

Not being enrolled in summer school has given me a new appreciation for Sunday nights, which hold such a stigma of organization, schedule and routine. I am sitting here at 9:30 having just returned home from spending a weekend with my mom, and I am sleepy, a bit sunburned and am so relieved I have nothing looming for tomorrow. Work, yes, but work is finally enjoyable and not stressful. I had no idea such jobs existed in reality.

I am going to spend the rest of my night enjoying the quiet and the moon and revel in the fact that I don't need to rush to get ready for anything tomorrow. Loud sigh.

If you have a stressful day tomorrow, take a brief farm field trip with me. I promise it will lower your blood pressure.

How many kids (and adults) know that a potato plant flowers?

Too bad it's not Hail's Jumbo.

Not so jumbo . . . yet.

As I was taking these photos I looked up and saw trouble:

Thing One and Thing Two charging out of the ditch.

Heading in my direction.

As if their tails were on fire.

No regard for baby plants.

They proceeded to play tag around the car for about twenty laps and then chased each other to the shed (base) to catch their breath. They don't enjoy the farm one teensy bit.

Back to the field trip -- broccoli.
Such a cute little plant.

The judge was a little heavy-handed with the seeding -- needs some thinning.
Add some rutabagas next time you make mashed potatoes; it's a delicious change of pace.

Baby plants are almost as cute as baby animals. Almost.

My mom and I hustled back from the farm to my folks' house to meet Heather and Nick who were returning from a wedding in Boise (they graciously allowed me and my laundry to catch a ride) and caught the last twenty minutes of the Argentina - Mexico soccer game. We had the blood pressure cuff out yesterday while we watched the USA match. My mom reverted back to her soccer mom days of turrets-like yelling, "KICK IT! GET IT FROM HIM! DON'T JUST STAND THERE -- GET THE BALL!" Highly entertaining. We then sat in the hot tub and drank Coors Light the rest of the afternoon. We were exerted.

Anyway, I got to play a bit in my parent's garden this afternoon. They both have very green thumbs. Their yard and vegetable garden is lovely, Sunset Magazine lovely.

Their peas are about to explode.

As are their strawberries.

See what I mean about baby vegetables?

Salad greens.

Dill, tarragon, chives, chard and lettuce.
Add whatever herbs you enjoy -- freshens up a salad enormously.

Counting the days until we have fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

I wanted to post this homemade blue cheese dressing for you all, but Heather was vehemently opposed -- she said it's proprietary. Kind of like Bush's Baked Beans. Perhaps we should make a commercial staring Belle and Berkley attempting to publish the recipe.

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