Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Instructions for the weekend: blow some stuff up for me!

I've posted lots of photos of my farm antics recently, but the other pastime that has stolen my attention has been fishing. My fishing gear gathered a fine layer of dust during my years in Utah, but my return to Idaho has restored my affection, plus I have a friend who graciously lets me tag along in his drift boat.

I wish I had more HUGE fish photos for you today, but I find myself taking photos of random items in the boat, grass, people's shirts. We do catch fish and photos are taken, but I'm not related to those people, and I can't exploit them on my site like I do my family. Thanks, family, for allowing me to exploit you. One day soon I'll post of a photo of me and an enormous fish. Until then, here are some randoms.

Have a great Fourth of July, all! Grill a yummy burger, drink a cold beverage and blow some stuff up for me! xoH

Token food photo.
Two days in a row I ate breakfast!
Internet, are you proud or what?

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