Sunday, March 14, 2010

Prayer of thanks to the baking gods

I may have turned a corner. Success with the banana bread -- granted the only leavening agent used was baking soda, but still, I made edible, presentable banana bread. Maybe next weekend I'll try something more challenging, maybe. Perhaps I should stick to what I know and not destroy this little bit of confidence I have garnered the past couple of weekends.

I still have no Shakespeare paper written. It isn't due until Thursday, and I think that's the problem; my sense of urgency hasn't been threatened. I had wonderful intentions of completing it this weekend and revising throughout the week to ensure an A+ :) What's that old adage? Hell is paved with good intentions. Mine are leaving a very long breadcrumb trail. In fact, in order to dodge my paper I willing baked and baking raises my blood pressure. There is now a trail of breadcrumbs from my kitchen to my computer -- a trail of procrastination, avoidance, and yes, really good intentions.

The following recipe is my mom's. It is simple and delicious. I am quite proud that my banana bread even tasted similar to my mom's -- not as good but close. The smell of baking banana bread has permeated my building. You're welcome neighbors.

Stick old bananas in the freezer for smoothies or

Bad advertising for Tillamook.

I remember not reading recipe directions as a kid and
dumping all the ingredients into a bowl at once.
I wondered why things didn't turn out right.
This still perplexes me,
as at least now I read the directions!

Praying to the baking gods.

Looks like banana bread.

Smells like banana bread.

Tastes like banana bread.

Tastes good.

Really good.

My mom's banana bread
as written in her lovely hand

cream together:
1 cube margarine (I used butter)
1 C. sugar
1 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
4 old dark bananas (I only had three)

2 C. flour
1 tsp b. soda
1/2 tsp salt

stir in 1 C. chopped nuts (didn't have any -- chocolate chips are good too -- didn't have any of those either)

Bake in loaf pan at 325 degrees x 55 mins. Rub margarine on top when warm out of oven. (My bread baked for an hour and five minutes, as the middle was a little slow. No wonder considering it was my bread).

1 comment:

jessikahsd said...

Hailey, I feel your pain - so unmotivated for school! But I am glad that your procrastination resulted in some delicious bread for you to snack on! It looks amazing.