Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Champagne sunday and vegan cream sauce: Heaven help me!

You might notice a change here at Hail's Kitchen. What do you think? I don't know. It seems a bit busy. While I think the cutting board is cute, it is a little distracting. I would love to hear what you all think! You, friends, have to look at it; I really spend most of my time on the back-end of the site, which is white and boring. Send me an email if you don't want to post a comment, Pretty please, I would love your feedback! Also, it's about time to change to change the masthead. Yes?

Below are photos from the foodfest at my lovely friends Lisa and Haigen's house. I get to go to Ireland to witness these two lovebirds get married in September. I can hardly contain my excitement and anticipation for the occasion. In fact, I watch these two in dumbfounded admiration -- they suit each other so perfectly, with such ease and humor and love. When I grow up, not only do I want to be a noodle stocker in Twin Falls, but I want a relationship like these two: seamless. Lisa, there better be a BIG box of tissues for me, because I will be sobbing elephant-sized happy tears on September 29. Hope the left lane driving is going well. xoxo

Camera-shy Bella.

I will gladly be Lisa's sous chef any day.

Very coy.

Pink. My favorite champagne EVER.
Makes for delicious mimosas.

I have friends who have mandatory champagne Sundays.
I think I may adopt the tradition.
My papers will be fantastic!

Baby bellas. Bella indeed.

Red hash-brown potatoes from scratch. Yes, ma'am.

I have range envy. Do you see the middle burner in use? Humina humina.

The goods for the worlds' best cream sauce.
Hollandaise sauce: you've just been replaced.
That little baggy contains nutritional yeast. WOW!
Stuff is of the Gods.

This bad boy required a knife and fork.

Pop on over to Lisa's newest blog -- woman has about 37 -- Sooo Vegan And You Don't Even Know It, she beautifully documented our meal. Plus, she has a wicked sense of humor and writes for real, for a paycheck. Lucky. You really have to try the cream sauce. It is revolutionary! Nutritional yeast will reappear soon. I am dying to try an "alfredo" sauce that stars cashews and nutritional yeast. Best get yourself to your local bulk-food section and buy some, because you're gonna like it!


Freckleking's said...

First off leave the cutting board. I like it. Second, do you have the recipe for that red potato thingy (can't remember the name, but hey it's 12:30 am).

The overall look is....well I don't know. But keep the cutting board.

hailskitchen said...

Thanks! Glad you like the cutting board. All the red potato thingy :) is is shredded red potatoes, fried in a bit of olive oil -- patience is key or the potatoes turn into mush. Salt, pepper, garlic salt, red pepper flakes, season salt, any of the above are great. Just don't be shy and be sure to taste along the way. You could add onion and peppers, too. These plain taters were excellent though! Usually takes at least 20-30 minutes, flipping occasionally.

hailskitchen said...

Thanks! Glad you like the cutting board. All the red potato thingy :) is is shredded red potatoes, fried in a bit of olive oil -- patience is key or the potatoes turn into mush. Salt, pepper, garlic salt, red pepper flakes, season salt, any of the above are great. Just don't be shy and be sure to taste along the way. You could add onion and peppers, too. These plain taters were excellent though! Usually takes at least 20-30 minutes, flipping occasionally.