Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dancing under a rainbow with a leprechaun, a Guinness in hand

I am trying to keep my cool this morning. I have felt like the Tasmanian Devil this week -- swirling around in dust cloud of my own chaos.

I leave for a certain foreign country in four days. I have been hydrating so my liver is prepared for all the Guinness and whiskey I plan to drink. My tummy is prepared for blood sausage and eggs. Beyond that preparation, guidebooks have yet to be opened. My bag is not even close to packed. I don't even have a hotel reservation. Flying by the seat of pants? Yeah, that's a fair observation.

My professors were all fine with me taking a week off of school. Sure, they said, have a great time! But . . . I'll need that paper before you leave. All three of them uttered the exact same words. Insert audible, painful sigh HERE. Can I get extra credit if I pay homage to Oscar Wilde?

The other tricky thing about this week is the food blog competition, which if you're reading this now and have not voted, I beg of you to finish reading this post and then GO VOTE. Thanks times infinity.

Back to the tricky part. The contestants who will move to the next round will be announced Friday. I leave for the airport on Friday, which would make it nearly impossible to bust out a classic dish from another culture that morning. So I busted mine out preemptively last night in the event that I make it to the next round. Fingers crossed.

Tricky part duo. If I make to the third round I will be in Ireland more than likely dancing under a rainbow with a leprechaun, a Guinness in hand. How in the name of pots of gold will I be able to 1. make a luxury dinner party for friends and 2. get an internet connection underneath a rainbow to post said dinner?

Well, I will be preparing the meal for a friend's 30th soiree dinner tonight and thus the luxury dinner party for friends. I have not planned a lick for this trip, but this food competition -- watch out! Sister's got mad foresight.

Here's a sneak peek of my dish for Friday, that is if you fine readers have voted for my lunacy.

I hope to post it's full glory Friday. Please send any intellectual energy my way, as I fear my papers are going to be more sixth grade than grad school. Until Friday, friends. xoH


JayBob said...

Voted! Good luck! Have a safe trip. I will be in Belgium! Cheers.

Shug said...

Yo! We'll be here Thursday-Friday after the wedding. They might still have avails...


Whitney said...

shitballs you are organized. i was reading that thinking, ok, she can write it ahead of time, and give me her password and ill post it for her? orrrrr maybe ill cook recipes she tells me to and she can transcribe them via leprechaun telepathy to me? ( i keep one in my pockets at all times duh)OR she can do a dinner party for leprechauns? because ill be DAMNED if a rainbow keeps you from going further! :) Thank God you figured it out!

Wren said...

Like Shug said, the Blue Horizon is a hostel right on the beach and we are staying there!! It should be relatively inexpensive compared to our lovely accommodations for the nuptials!

So excited to see you there and eat some delicious Irish food!


Dewdrop said...

I just watched an episode of Anthony Bourdain's show shot in Ireland. Fascinating. Have a good time!