Monday, April 12, 2010

A bit of flare

There's something you should know about me, something that I can't believe has not come up before in my musings on Hail's Kitchen. While I love truffle oil, crave Asian food to my core, and will fight for the last sushi roll, I would give all those things up for one thing: coffee.

I once had a neurologist tell me I was drinking too much coffee. She actually instructed me to "stop drinking coffee." I remember feeling as if she had just run over my dogs. I was devastated.

I really don't have many vices -- yes, I can't be within arm's reach of potato chips, as was proven yesterday at the local ski hill when someone placed TWO BAGS next me. Big trouble in little China, people. But I am totally fine giving in to my addiction to coffee. While I have cut back a teensy bit on my daily consumption per that mean, mean neurologist, it's a morning ritual (and often afternoon, too) that brings me much pleasure. Also, coffee grounds make your compost super happy. Happy compost = happy plants.

Anyway, my morning coffee has had a bit of extra flare as of late that is so subtle I bet I could trick my dad into enjoying it. I have been spiking my morning grounds with a blend of ground cinnamon and vanilla extract. Apparently, other Mexican coffee recipes involve tequila and other super-charged accoutrements that need not be consumed before 9 a.m., but this extra little kick is muy good. Sneak it into your partner's coffee. Everybody likes a bit of flare in the morning.

Morning sunshine makes me happy.

Can't seem to focus;
have yet to consume my daily dose needed to function.

A little better.

Mexican coffee
6 oz water
2 HEAPING tbs ground coffee, plus a bit more for good measure
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
(adjust the measurements for a larger batch of coffee)

Place cinnamon and vanilla on top of your coffee grounds -- easy peasy -- make coffee as you normally would. Press power. Brew. Drink. Enjoy.

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