Sunday, April 4, 2010

What a difference a day makes

Happy Easter to you! I hope the sun is shining wherever you are.

And the Easter lilies smell sweet.

We had some very special brunch guests today:

The Easter Bunny

and Jesus.

Nice handy work, Jules.

As we do at every family gathering, we made entirely too much delicious food.
We don't get together often enough.

Julia's favorite cheesy potatoes; recipe to come soon.

Mimosas abounded.

Sisters and pretty girls abounded, too. Sisters: Belle and Berkley.
(If you look carefully, Berkley has donned her pirate outfit for scrap pillaging).

I don't get to see this pretty one often enough. I didn't want to let her leave.

You all recognize this pretty girl. Much better sans green teeth.

The prettiest. Sorry about the Mr. Wilson photo, mom.
Your eyes were the most twinkly in this one. xo

I hope you and yours had a swell Easter Sunday. I wish I could have hogtied mine so they had to stay another day. Time goes too quickly. I need a pause button.

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