Thursday, April 29, 2010

My ass is in revolt

After sitting in this chair for a week now I am reluctantly looking at this screen, but it's been a week, and I've missed Hail's Kitchen so! Oh to write FOR FUN. Feels quite strange actually.

Anyway, the last week has been fueled by this:

Sweet, sweet coffee. I love you more than I did before, if that is even possible. I did manage to cook a meal and not just consume caffeine the past seven days. You're not going to believe me when you see the photo.

Looks like good Indian takeout, eh? Friends, I made this three course dinner and it was RADICAL! I am sure the term radical is not one that floats loosely through foodie circles, but here at HK, I flagrantly throw out such terms, well, because it was RADICAL. I'll post the recipes soon. Promise.

I cannot be bothered to look at this screen any longer, nor can my ass sit in this chair a second more. People, I turned in a 38 page paper yesterday and a measly 13er today. My brain (and now my behind) are mush.

I have a date with a bottle of wine. I hope you have a RADICAL night. I plan to :) Missed you all! xo

1 comment:

Nan and Aaron said...

It is so fun to read your blog. You are really a talented writer. I bet it feels good to have those papers turned in. Now back to cooking!?!?!