Sunday, October 31, 2010

Makin' whoopie! (pies, that is)

Happy Halloween! I hope you and yours have/had a safe and enjoyable holiday, should you choose to partake.  I celebrated last nighted with Heather and Nick and other good friends.  We dressed up like lunatics and joined the other freaks who revel in the one holiday where one can wear tights and a leotard and no one judges you!  

It's a wonder I am as successful in the kitchen as I actually am.  The following recipe was borderline epic fail (for a number reasons, which you'll see).  Perhaps I am just a cursed baker.  I am not sure why I am such a delinquent.  Amazingly, after forgetting a significant ingredient, these cookies still turned out.  You'll notice I took a huge shortcut by using boxed cake mix.  Awesome shortcut! No measuring for this handicapped measurer!

My marshmallow frosting, on the other hand, which I followed that recipe to a T, failed miserably.  I attempted to frost my first cookie, and the frosting sadly dribbled off the side.  

I will stick to things that I am good at -- like cooking with pasta, and bacon and cheese.  Mmmm, bacon.

The ingredients.
Misstep numero uno: forgetting the 'softened' butter in the microwave.  DOH!
Misstep numero dos: forgetting the 1/2 cup of milk. DOH!
Moment of pure genius: scooping the batter into a plain ol' ziploc bag and cutting off one corner.  
Easy peasy batter distribution.
Misstep numero tres: runny batter. DOH!
Moment of pure genius part deux: canned frosting.   
Packed up and ready for the party.

Pumpkin whoopie pies
pop on over to her site for the recipe and share the love!  Try these cookies, they are wonderful, even without the milk!


Brian said...

Im bummed that I didn't get to try one. I was to busy plunging around like an ass.

jeffb5 said...

I don't know what I like more, reading your blog or trying one of your recipes. I just finshed the pumpkin whoopie pies. I did fair at best. I couln't find the Pillsbury cream cheese at Walmart so I purchased the Vanilla. I thought they had everything at Walmart. And I don't think I'll try spreading the batter from a ziplock bag. At least it made me laugh. Thanks for your blog. You are a remarkable woman and I'm sure a great lady.

jeffb5 said...

I don't know what I like more, reading your blog or trying one of your recipes. I used the Vanilla frosting because I couldn't find the cream cheese at Walmart. And I thought Walmart had everything. Spreading the batter from a ziplock bag made me laugh. I love your blog. Keep up the good work. Let me know if you come to Houston, Texas on a tour. I would love to meet you and purchase a copy of your cookbook. Ha-ha. You are a remarkable woman.