Thursday, May 19, 2011

Who needs croutons?

I am a creature of habit.  My mornings are reminiscent of Bill Murray's Groundhog Day.  Every morning I hit the snooze button about approximately 37 times. Eventually I crawl out of bed and with eyes still closed, I stumble over to my kitchen where I turn on NPR and proceed to make a full pot of coffee.  Then I walk over to my window and check out the weather. Every day.  I am surprised there isn't a trail tread into my carpet from my morning routine.

However, as of late, peering out the window has done nothing but encourage me to snuggle back into my fleece sheets.  Gray skies.  Rain.  Wind.  SNOW!  What the hell, Mother Nature?  I was actually looking back on the blog at this time last year, and guess what I was doing?  Writing a paper and begging for poor, crummy weather so I wouldn't feel the pull to play outside.  What was wrong with me?  

I apologize if my ridiculous thoughts twelve months ago brought on this heinous weather that forced me to wear a TURTLENECK yesterday.  In response to having only two nice days to play outside (I'm not exaggerating, this Spring has been dreary), below is my middle finger to Mother Nature.   

I have two summer-inspired dishes that are sure to increase your serotonin or whatever feel good chemical that is.

First, radishes.  I made this unassuming appetizer (or today, my breakfast) for a party this winter and several eyebrows were raised in question.  Really?  Radishes with butter?  That's it?  That's it.  Radishes are soon becoming one of my favorite veggies.  They are crispy, zippy and so lovely.  Plus, they are cheap! You can't argue with .69 cents in this economy.  So, friends, try this dish. It will take you moments to throw together.  It looks gorgeous at a party.  The best part, it tastes divine.

Slice radishes very thin.  A mandolin is ideal -- 
I always forget I have one until I am finished. 

 UNSALTED butter is imperative.  

 Slater sliced bread with butter (be liberal), cover with radishes, sprinkle with sea salt and chives (if you have them, great without, too) and serve.  Enjoy!

Recipe numero dos. I told you to put on your big girl panties.

My family loves caesar salad.  My mom makes her own homemade dressing that rivals any I've had in a restaurant.  It's the real deal with fresh eggs.  I love my mom's dressing, but I've been on the quest for a recipe that I can serve to guests without fear of salmonella.  I had to call my mom and apologize to her, because I am afraid this dressing may titillate taste buds more than hers in a side by side taste test.  Love you, mom.

Not only is the dressing amazing in the following salad, I got a little creative in the topping.  Croutons are traditionally served with caesar salad but I had some fingerling potatoes that were about to sprout on my counter:

Why not grill potatoes and substitute them for croutons?  I thought they were a fabulous substitution.  While I had the grill pan hot, I bravely grilled the lettuce, too. I had heard of folks grilling romaine for caesar salads.  The grilled lettuce truly made the salad.  It gave it a smokey flavor and gorgeous grill marks. This is not my momma's caesar salad.

 Don't fear anchovies!  

 Except when you spill fishy oil all over your floor like I did shortly after snapping this photo.

 Boiled fingerling taters.

 Terrible photo but check out that steam!

 Brush lettuce with olive oil and grill for about 30 seconds or until grill marks appear.

Drizzle on your dressing and serve with taters and grilled bread.

 Who needs croutons?

Grilled caesar salad with fingerling potatoes
1 head romaine lettuce, sliced in half
handful fingerling potatoes
olive oil for brushing
parmesan cheese 

Caesar dressing
adapted from epicurious
1/3 cup mayonnaise
3 anchovy fillets
2 cloves garlic
3 tbs olive oil
1/2 tsp sriracha
1/2 worcestershire sauce
juice of one lemon
black pepper to taste

Boil potatoes until just done in a pot of salted water -- about eight minutes -- and slice thin. Meanwhile, heat your grill pan.  In a food processor, combine anchovies and garlic.  Then add olive oil, sriracha, worcestershire, mayo, lemon juice and black pepper.  Zip up until smooth.  Set aside.

Brush the potatoes with oil and grill until marks appear.  Be patient and don't fiddle with them.  Grill the lettuce briefly.  This will take only moments.  You don't want the entire head to be wilted.  

Arrange the romaine and potatoes on a plate, drizzle with the dressing, sprinkle with parmesan cheese and serve with grilled bread.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hailey my love, there are no words for how much I miss you.