Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crying over spilled milk, sort of

I have bad news today.  What I am about to report is something I have feared for months, nay years.

My camera is dead.

Let's rewind to 2008.  This was a huge year for yours truly.  Called off a wedding, moved out of my house, left my dogs, started a new job, had heart surgery, sold my car and BOUGHT MY CAMERA.

Hail's Kitchen (or something like it) was on my wish list of things to do.  "Someday I'll have a camera, then I can start the blog."  I must have repeated that statement twelve thousand times.

I sold my little Hyundai to a couple who spoke no English -- we completed the entire transaction in the parking lot of Walmart in Spanish.  They bought the car sans driving it, because the wife said it was pretty.

Long story short, bought my beloved canon and started the blog.  If you bravely look back on the first few photos, we had a rough start.  I didn't grasp the concept of lighting.  I still don't really grasp this concept, but I at least appreciate it now three years later.

I guess the point of my pathetic diatribe is I have nothing to tantalize your taste-buds with this morning.  That's the thing with food blogs, a photo is truly worth a thousand words and right now all effort in word production should be dedicated to my thesis.

So if you are of the praying type, please say a prayer that the good folks at Canon will work their magic and restore my camera to all its previous glory.

Until then, here is a video that has nothing at all to do with food.  For a girl who is trying to learn to dance at thirty years old, I watched this video in complete awe.


Tri Cook said...

That sucks. Hope your camera gets fixed soon. If you really liked that vid, check out the web series http://thelxd.com/. It's pretty crazy.

Kabilliam said...

In addition to learning to dance in your downtime you can practice spitting mad science like the Drunk Cooking girl...

hailskitchen said...

Morsel combat!!! Love both those links :) Thanks you guys!