Monday, November 23, 2009

Little victory

So I've been trying to post a most delectable short rib recipe for the past hour now, but google seems to be having some technical issue with their photo uploading function. I could get all disgruntled and huffy, but I am choosing to take a few deep breaths and distract with you my ramblings until google's wizards can fix my internal error. Mouth-watering, oh so tender, beef short ribs will follow soon. I hope.

The past 18 months or so have been an interesting ride for me. I basically took the puzzle pieces of my life, threw them up in the air and took a big step back to see where they would all land. Fortunately, most of the pieces landed softly, cradled by the awesome, loving people who envelope me.

Well, I reached a personal fitness/weight-loss goal today that I set for myself several months ago. As I left the gym, I realized I've lost way more than a few extra pounds. I've shed an enormous amount of shit that's been really heavy and hard to carry around. One of my favorite people transformed her body by losing almost fifty pounds, and she realized that the weight was equivalent to carrying around a bag of dog food. Imagine what that feels like! Granted my little milestone was nowhere near fifty pounds, but I feel like I've molted more than a few kibbles of Purina. I've shed a lot of guilt and resentment, which are two things you don't ask Santa to bring you for Christmas.

It's amazing what time (and lots of trail running) does for self-reflection. It's almost like someone removed a pair of beer goggles. I like the clarity.

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