Friday, May 28, 2010

Summer vacation, finally!!!

At approximately 1:30 today I officially began my first summer vacation in seven years. Summer vacation makes all the student loan debt, paper anxiety and WORK well worth it. Granted I still have a job, but I don't have to do anything academically related until August. (Insert evil laugh, HERE!).

That said, I'll be farming this weekend. I packed a hoodie, a vest, a pair of long johns, and I am crossing my fingers I won't need any of them. I am ready for a good dose of vitamin D.

Until Monday, friends. I hope you and yours have a fabulous three day weekend!


jessikahsd said...

Hooray for summer vacation! Enjoy it - you deserve a break after all your hard work!

hailskitchen said...

Jess -- you too!!! You have to be thrilled to have everything wrapped up. I am excited to see what the future has in store for you, my friend :)